Today was Lunch with Loved Ones day at my nieces' school. Because my brother and sister in law are both teachers at other schools they couldn't make it so my sis in law asked me if I would mind bringing my nieces a couple of McDonald's Happy Meals as a special treat for lunch and having lunch with them. I love my nieces so I said yes.
My youngest niece Katie will be seven in about a week. Her lunch time was the earliest at the school and so it was just she and I at first. She was happy to see me and happy to have a Happy Meal. Normally the girls get milks with their Happy Meals but I was flustered when I ordered them due to being in a rush to get there and having had to deal with some unexpected construction delays on my way there so I forgot about that and when asked what kind of drinks I wanted I said "cokes". When Katie saw that she got a soda (something they are only very rarely allowed to have sips of) she said "Wow! I got a soda!I'm like the coolest kid here because I got a soda!" no joke. Ahhh to be seven again. Things were much simpler back then. I was glad that my mistake was at least a mistake that made her so happy. She continued to chat with me about the toy penguin game that came in the Happy Meal and we had a nice time playing the games on the bag of the Happy Meal. My older niece Sarah is 10 and her lunch break started while Katie was finishing up her lunch. So, for a brief moment they were both with me before Sarah ran off to play a bit before eating. Then Katie's lunch was over and she had to get back to class so she gave me a hug and a kiss and went back to class. A little bit later Sarah came back and started to eat but was a bit distracted looking for her friends. Eventually a couple of her friends came over and wanted her to come sit with them and their grandma who was also there for Lunch with Loved Ones Day. Sarah looked at me to answer and I knew that she wanted to be with her friends and so, I said "You can go be with your friends, it's okay. And with that she hugged me, thanked me for bringing the Happy Meal and then ran off with her friends. My feelings weren't hurt, I mean, she's 10 now and so of course her friends are important to her at that age. I didn't want to make her feel left out so, it wasn't a big deal, but it did remind me of how fast they're growing up.
After that I went to run some errands. One of them was getting dog food. While I was there I purchased some wet dog food and a treat for a shelter dog. It didn't cost very much (less than $2) and it will make some poor shelter dogs who normally survive on boring dry kibble and no treats, very happy.
Oh and for the record, I don't consider visiting with my nieces a good deed. Just the dog food part. :)
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