Wednesday, February 10, 2010

02-09-10 Getting Better

Well, today was a little better than Monday. I actually got through to the unemployment people. They are working on the problem. Might take 2 weeks before I see any results though. Sigh.

In the meantime, on this rainy day I had a 2nd job interview for a restaurant job. I think it went well. We'll see. Unfortunately they were running behind so my 3:45 interview didn't happen until 4:25 or so and I didn't get out of there until 4:45 which put me back on the freeway at rush hour in Southern California during a rain storm. That is to say, it put me into one of my own personal versions of hell. Almost an hour later (it took me 15 minutes to get there earlier in the day even in the rain) I arrived home starving and a bit cranky and tired. I haven't had to deal with traffic in a long time since being laid off and well, it was a shock to my system for sure. Man how I hate it. I had a snack and then I worked out.

My workout was one of my own little creations for at home workouts. I have many, many workout DVDs but sometimes I want to work out to my own music doing stuff I want to do. So, tonight's workout was me dancing around my room while also incorporating jumping rope, doing some other cardio and toning exercises that I got from various health and fitness magazines and then literally chasing my dog from room to room to give him some exercise on this "rainy no dogwalk day" too. It's fun and I can moderate the intensity on my own and I find it to be quite effective. Then I did some stretching. I hadn't stretched in a couple days and man... it felt so good.

After that I felt much better about my day overall and got ready for Curtis to pick me up to head over to "Lost" night at our friend Dean's house. He has a viewing party every Tuesday and some of his friends come over and make food and they eat and watch "Lost". Then they discuss it. This was my first attendance for the viewing party and I had a great time. We ate some healthy delicious tacos, shared some funny on line videos and then watched "Lost". Then we ate some cookies and talked. Dean and Curtis broke out some old junior high yearbooks and we all laughed about how atrocious hair and fashion styles were in the late 80s early 90s and then about how tiny both Dean and Curtis were back then. :)The photo of the day is of Curtis doing some yearbook show and tell to the group.

Never underestimate the healing powers of good friends and good food! :)

Also, I had not hung out with Dean or his roommate Angel in quite some time so, I am counting this as another meeting up with old friends. :) Yay for two birds with one fun stone!

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