Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Turns Out... Weddings and Jobs are WORK!

So, I am way, way, way behind on my uh... supposed daily blogs. Sorry. I'll make it a point to try and catch up sometime this week or weekend. The day to day things involved in wedding planning, my day job and frequent overtime at said day job have really kept me away from the computer. Also, for Curtis and I there are three times a year that birthdays/holidays completely overwhelm us. The actual holiday season, then from mid February to the end of March we have 8 birthdays between family and friends (including me, Curtis, our nephew and niece and several very close friends and my brother)! Then again from May through early June it's birthday madness in our circle of family and friends. This year was extra crazy because we threw in our engagement party as well in May. So it has been nonstop since then with birthdays and Mother's Day and things like that added to my already ridiculous schedule of my job and wedding planning stuff. It's always very fun to celebrate birthdays but when there are this many in a row it takes it's toll time-wise. :) Anyway, that's my excuse and I am sticking with it!

On a happy note I just picked up my wedding dress today! It's so very lovely and I am happy to say that it fits like a glove. I will have to have it hemmed but that's the only thing it really NEEDS done. I might do a few other alterations if the mood strikes. And today I won $33 on a lotto scratch off ticket and then Curtis got a gift card for Nordstrom's as an engagement gift from a student of his! He's giving it to me to put toward my wedding day shoe fund! :)I gotta love that man!

Planning the wedding is so much fun and yet so stressful at times. Weddings are SO expensive. We're probably still going to end up under the national average, but man... it just seems like SO much money to be spending!

So far I have loved registering for gifts with Curtis the most. Not because we're all greedy for gifts (we both agree that we don't expect to get most of the stuff we scan, since we never really expect people to get us gifts for any occasion-but you get a discount on that stuff after the wedding so, we're scanning like crazy!)but it's such a fun bonding experience. As you pick out the stuff you want together what you're really doing is imagining the life you want to have together. It's actually really romantic and fun! We have had a great time doing that. We pretty much already knew we had the same taste in things but it's nice to have that confirmed when you agree on a china pattern or on the colors you want the kitchen or bathroom to be, you know? :)

Anyway, aside from that I am obsessed with Sookie Stackhouse books. They are the series of books that "True Blood" is based on and they are SO GOOD. I'm addicted. I'm very close to finishing the series now (once I start one I usually finish it within 24-48 hours depending on what other responsibilities I have) so I am pacing myself because I am going to be so sad when I am done with them! I've never seen "True Blood" the tv show but now I want to!

So, that's what's been keeping me away from the computer for a while! I'll catch up soon! As always... Thanks for Reading! :)