Saturday, February 5, 2011

Opening Night!

Last night was a "Special Preview Night" for the show. Tonight is "Gala Opening Night" and tomorrow is the first matinee. So, our first regular night show doesn't happen until next Friday. I think that's kind of funny.

Anyway, Curtis came to the preview night and will also be there tonight at the Gala Night. The Gala is the same as a regular show but it has champagne and appetizers and snacky food afterwards. After every show the cast goes out into the lobby to talk to anyone who would care to talk and/or visit with any friends or relatives who came to see us, but we do so for a longer time on the Gala Night. It's a mingling event and it's a good time!

I asked Curtis to be totally honest with me after the show. He said that my cockney accent was actually very good and sounded a lot like Jane Leeves. That made my night because I was kind of thinking that it sounded like her, but I didn't know if that's how it sounded to other people. It's not a very rough or hard cockney. It's a bit softer than a lot of people think of when they think of cockney. But it works, so that's good. Whew!

Curtis really enjoyed the show. It's a wacky out there kind of show. It's not especially "real" and yet, it is in more ways than most society would like to acknowledge, I think.

Anyway, it was a really good way to open the show. I feel better about my performance because Curtis as an acting teacher is pretty honest with people about their performances. He did ask me about a couple of my other characters and had a few notes for me last night so it wasn't all rave reviews, but overall he said he was proud of me and that I did a good job. :)

The director of our show is a wonderful man named Mike Brown. He's really easy to work with. Very laid back. Very calm. He's also a very good director. For the last week of rehearsals I didn't get very many notes. The last few days I got none. That always makes me nervous. As an actress I like lots of feedback. I worked with Mike last year on a play called "Jake's Women". It was a wonderful experience and I loved working with Mike and I loved my characer Sheila. But I had no idea if anyone else loved it until after we opened. ;-) It's not that Mike doesn't praise you. He does. It just is very subtle about it until after the show opens.

So, I am glad that everyone seemed to like it. Yay for "The Book of Liz"!

Also, Curtis brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers! He's a good husband. :)

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