Saturday, February 26, 2011

Closing week!

Time to say goodbye to Oxana, Dr. Ginley, Cecily and Ms. Foxley. I'll miss you ladies! Thanks for the good times! :)

Yup,it is already closing week for my show "The Book of Liz". I'm a little sad about that. There are some people who weren't able to see it yet who had wanted to, and I have really enjoyed working with the cast and crew of this show. I learned a lot about myself and my capabilities and just in general had a really good time with this wacky, lovable little show.

When I started rehearsals I was terrified about the accents involved. Then at some point I stopped freaking out and just decided to roll with it and have fun and it all clicked into place. Funny how that works.

The theatre has had sold out audiences for this show, so it's been doing very well! So well they considered extending it but that just didn't work out due to some of the cast's schedule conflicts. Pity.

However, even though I am sad to see the show end, I am excited about other things that I have coming up! There's a lot that Curtis and I have planned and also some things that we have our fingers crossed for, and I am excited to see how it all turns out!

I have a couple challenges ahead audition wise. We'll see how those go. I'll let you know about those as they occur.

I'm ramping up the business and training side of things for myself. I'm pretty excited about it but I need to stay focused.

But first, I need to finish out this weekend! Tonight we have our last evening performance and tomorrow is our last matinee then we strike the set and then head to our director's house to see the Oscars as a cast party. I'm excited to see the Oscars! I love the Oscars. I don't know why. When you really think about it, it's all just a bunch of industry crap, but still.... I love them and I am sure that regardless of the politics, subjectivity and campaigning involved it's still got to be a huge honor to be nominated and very exciting to win!

Oh yeah, my birthday was last Monday. As actual birthdays go, I have to say it was the worst one yet. I won't go into details here. It was just an overall sucky day. It started out pretty good but then it just went downhill from there.

The next day we had a birthday re-do that included Disneyland and hanging out for a bit with my parents and their foster dog. That was a nice day.

Curtis and I will celebrate both our birthdays together next week. So, it's all good. :)

Well, that's all for now. Happy Last weekend of February!

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