Today I rose from my slumber with the sun. I dragged my sleep deprived butt out of bed where I was comfortably snuggled up with my very warm dog and put on some workout clothes. Then I put on a Bar Method Workout DVD and worked up a sweat all before it was even 6 am. I haven't been able to accomplish this sort of early morning workout in years. So, I was pretty proud of myself. Then I hurriedly got ready for work and dashed out the door only to find myself trapped in unexpected and very uncommon traffic on my way to work. That made me angry. I tried to stay calm and zen like but when I realized that there was no way in hell I'd be on time to my still new job, I freaked and threw a tantrum. They were doing construction on a very busy four lane street in morning rush hour and had closed it down to one lane. Are you kidding me? Who's brilliant idea was that? ARGH.
Anyway, I got to work and made it through the day and then Curtis and I went to start registering for the wedding. A department store was having a wedding registry event tonight that we had signed up for. We didn't really know what to expect but it was really fun and we got all kinds of neat free stuff!
In the end our "schwag bag" consisted of a swiss army canvas tote with a free spatula with heart cut outs in it, a free whisk, two lovely glasses for espresso (or other drinks as well... perhaps a hot coffee cocktail of some sort?) a pen on a rope (I have no idea why that was given to us) and two very awesome knives! Hooray for free stuff! We also got some free food and lemonade. Always nice. :)
And we decided that our kitchen will be red and silver. A lot of the stuff I liked is red and silver. Oh! And we picked out our china pattern! It is white and silver. And quite lovely if I do say so myself. :)
1 comment:
That was a lot of fun, but I want to scan MORE!!!!!!!!!
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