This is the only photo I took today. I bought this issue of Shape magazine because I think Chelsea Handler is hilarious and I love that she is very fit and trim without being "skinny". It was so great to see a strong womanly body in a bikini on a fitness magazine instead of some sinewy, skinny starlet or model who doesn't look that fit or who looks like they never indulge in anything ever. This cover made me happy and inspired to be fitter!
But that's not even close to the best news we got today! Today we got some GREAT news! The SyFy Channel picked up Curtis and his partner Zeke's show! Hooray! It was definitely some much needed and eagerly awaited good news! We're very excited! But no, I can't really tell you anything about the show yet. I will when I can. :)
The rest of the day kinda went downhill from there for me though. It certainly wasn't the worst day, but it also wasn't the best. I had been planning for quite some time to audition for a show. I got as prepared as I could for it. It involved an accent and while I felt like my accent in Jake's Women was well received, I still don't trust my ability with accents. Especially auditioning with an accent. I just get so nervous with accents. On days like this I REALLY wish I had gone to one of those fancy acting schools where you're in class 5 days a week and they spend days and days on very specific accents. I don't know if that would have helped or not and there's really no reason I couldn't have taught myself some accents and mastered them on my own. But I digress. I started to have a bad feeling about the audition. I should have listened to that but I brushed it off as just being nervous.
The next thing I know I am sitting in an uncomfortable audition process (where everyone auditioning for the part is in the audition room at once instead of one at a time like I am most used to,or in small groups of people) slowly losing confidence watching person after person audition ahead of me (I was 2nd to last to audition) and then giving a pretty poor audition in front of an acquaintance of mine who has never really seen me perform that I know of. Sigh. I can kind of handle bad auditions in front of a director and producer especially if I don't know them. But when it's in front of everyone you're auditioning against and someone you know but don't really know well? Yikes. I wanted to cry. But I didn't. I am proud to say I didn't cry. The worst part was I could have listened to my intuition, stayed home and gotten some stuff done and avoided the humiliation. But did I listen to my gut? Noooooo. I had something to try and prove to myself. Argh. I hate when that happens.
These sorts of things though really remind me about how awesome it is when someone takes a chance on you. When I auditioned for Jake's Women I felt better about my audition than I did tonight, but I still didn't think it was great. But I felt like I did a much better audition at my call back for Jake's Women so, I am ever grateful for any directors who give me the chance to come to the call backs.
In the end, though, I think it is all for the best. I'm starting to get busy with wedding planning stuff (they say the beginning of the planning and then right before the wedding are the busiest times) and I am still quite busy looking for a job and well, it's a 3 act play with a rather demanding part so, I think it might have been a lot for me to tackle right now. And with the way things are going for Curtis I might be busy doing some bigger stuff sooner than we thought. I'd have preferred if it hadn't been such a public humiliation but hey, that's showbiz kid. ;-)
I'm just gonna tell myself that there is something better I am meant to be doing from April through May and let it go at that.
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